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2023 KS1 SATs Reading Test & Comprehensive Question Analysis Tool
Boost Success: 2023 KS1 Reading Test & Question Analysis (Excel with Macros)
Summary of Features (features may vary based on test type):
Pupil Summary: View total marks, unanswered questions, incorrect answers, overall score, and scores in each strand. Customize color thresholds for pattern spotting.
Pupil Reports: Provide feedback on performance in strands and per question.
Contextual Analysis: Breakdown by key groups (gender, SEND, disadvantaged, EAL) and compare to national data.
Cohort Summary: Overview of cohort’s performance and compare to national standards.
Strand Summary: Weighting of strands and performance analysis.
Other Charts: Charts showing question performance and strengths/weaknesses.
Experience the power of this 2023 KS1 SATs Reading Test & Question Analysis Tool for educational insights, interventions, and student achievement.
KS1 and KS2 2019 Grammar Punctuation and Spelling Mark Scheme on a Page
KS1 and KS2 2019 Grammar Punctuation and Spelling Mark Scheme on a Page
Pseudo (Non Words) Phonics Practice Cards
4 sample cards from a set of 38 to practice for Year 1 phonics screening check. Non word/pseudo words only. Paper and electronic class recording grid included. Based on Letters and Sounds Phase 2 to 4 samples.
2016 EYFS Data Analysis Tool
Analyse your EYFS assessments with ease.
Automatically calculates Good Level of Development using the Early Learning Goals and breaks down the data for the following key groups:
Whole Cohort (up to 125 pupils)
By Class (up to four classes)
Disadvantaged/Non Disadvantaged
Recommended: Excel 2010 onwards with macros enabled
2015-2016 School Assembly Year Planner
Over 250 events and the full 12 months of the academic year including...
Colour coded dates for awareness days/weeks/months
Key historical dates
Key religious dates
Key assessments dates (SATS, Phonics)
National holidays and more
Each event carries a link to more information
Excellent for planning assemblies
Over 10 new events added to the new 2015/16 Version
14/15 Version used in over 160 schools
Designed to be printed across two A3 sheets, although also prints well in A4
2017 KS2 National Curriculum Test for Reading Electronic Analysis
Works best in Excel 2010 or later with macros enabled
New features for the 2017 version include Age Related Expectations reporting and improved presentation of graphs
2013 KS2 Grammar and Punctuation Test Analysis
Paper version of the electronic analysis of KS2 2013 L3-5 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test. Other KS2 electronic/paper analysis tools available.
EYFS Development Matters and ELG Tracking Grid
Assessment tracking grid for EYFS. Prime and Specific areas on separate sheets. Ideally this would be printed at A3 size, but works at A4 too.
2013-2014 School Assembly Year Planner
2013-2014 version includes updated links and more than 10 new awareness days
Colour coded dates for awareness days/weeks/months
Key historical dates
Key religious dates
Key assessments dates (SATS, Phonics)
National holidays and more
Each event carries a link to more information
Excellent for planning assemblies
Designed to be printed across two A3 sheets, although also prints well in A4
EYFS Development Matters All on One A4 Sheet
Prime and Specific areas for EYFS Development Matters ‘A Unique Child: Observing What a Child is Learning’ each on one A4 sheet. Uses Arial Narrow font size 7 or 7.5 so quite small.
Science L1-5 National Curriculum Attainment Target
Science (Sc 1, 2, 3 and 4) Levels 1 to 5 National Curriculum Attainment Targets all on One A4 Sheet. Useful for moderation, assessment, reference or planning. In colour and black & white.
Editable Name Labels
Different borders with space to type in name. Blank one available if you prefer to do this by hand. More resources from primaryclass.co.uk.
Year 3 New Curriculum Maths Assessment Bookmarks
Year 3 mathematics assessment bookmarks to support children, teachers and parents in learning, target setting and measuring progress.
Year 3 Mathematics Target Bookmarks
Year 3 Target Bookmarks for Mathematics, based on the National Curriculum 2014.
See also Year 3 Assessment Sheet - https://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/year-3-mathematics-assessment-sheet-11052634
Point Score to Sublevel Conversion Diagram
Handy arrows that show the relationship between point scores and sublevels up to Level 6. Also includes approximate age expectations.